How We Run

The running of the Indigenous Hospitality House is mainly carried out by two overlapping groups of people, the Residents and the 'BC' (Business Committee).  A third group is the Visiting Volunteers and the fourth is the individuals and churches who donate money and goods.  Also involved in the project are the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) and the Indigenous Liaison Workers, social workers and health workers from hospitals and health services who are registered with the IHH.

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The residents of the IHH live on site, contribute at least two nights a week to the roster and other household duties (except by arrangement otherwise), attend monthly House meetings and the annual residents’ review weekend.  Residents also make up the group who take on the Daily House Person role (see below) and can attend the Business Committee meetings.  One resident is usually the IHH worker who does some administrative work for the House.

The Business Committee is made up of a combination of people who began the project, representation from the Church of All Nations (CAN) and residents.  This Committee is responsible for the bigger picture and longer term aspects of the success of the IHH.  This includes fund raising, contributing to the well-being of residents, approving any money to be spent or changes to the property, and so on.

CAN, or the Church of All Nations, is the Uniting Church in Carlton which owns the property the House is on.

Visiting Volunteers are individuals who have arranged with the residents to contribute to the IHH in some way.  Usually, this means a regular night of cooking or helping (for example, fortnightly or monthly), or the Daytime Helper role.  Visiting Volunteers may also be involved in fundraising, contributing to the newsletter, and other helpful activities.


Indigenous Liaison Workers at hospitals and health services that are registered with us are key partners in the project, and refer guests to stay at the IHH.  In hospitals where there is no ILW position, referrals are normally taken from Social Workers.  This referral process is in place to ensure that there is someone at the hospital with whom the IHH can liaise during a guest’s stay.  It also provides a contact person if difficult circumstances arise or if the guests need assistance that the IHH cannot provide.

As part of its accountability process the IHH seeks to maintain ongoing communication with ILWs.

The Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress is the Aboriginal arm of the Uniting Church of Australia.  The IHH is accountable to the UAICC through an ongoing communication process.
