The Indigenous Hospitality House is a learning community inviting people on a shared journey of cultural healing and growth in light of stolen land. Learning Circles are an oppotunity to reflect on what we have been learning by offering hospitality to Indigenous people. At our second Learning Circle for 2016, Mehrin Almassi will be helping us explore what it means to move 'from hostility to hospitality'. Feel free to join us for dinner from 7:00pm. We plan to start our discussion at 8:00pm.
If you are planning to come, please let us know by emailing
Experiencing Wilderness
On Thursday nights during the season of Lent (the weeks leading up to Easter) we've been opening up unit 2 at the IHH for some Bible discussions over a shared dinner. Because we're aware that the Bible has often been used to dominate others we've been seeking to approach the Bible in a way that allows for questioning and doubting alongside faith and belief.
Last night we had a look at Luke's story of Jesus' time of temptation in the desert, which seems to have influenced many other stories, from Faust to Star Wars to 'The Devil Came Down to Georgia'. We reflected that experiences of the wilderness (whether a literal wilderness like a desert or a forest, or a metaphorical wilderness stage in our lives) are often experiences of disorientation or reorientation. Often the Settler people who get involved with the Indigenous Hospitality House are people who have been disoriented by what we've found out about Australia's colonial history. We've often found that getting involved with the project is an experience of reorientation
Learning Circle: What we've learned through intercultural work
The Indigenous Hospitality House is a learning community inviting people on a shared journey of cultural healing and growth in light of stolen land. Learning Circles are an oppotunity to reflect on what we have been learning by offering hospitality to Indigenous people. At our first Learning Circle for 2016, Matt Bell will be helping us explore what the IHH has learned about our own cultures and about Indigenous cultures through shared hospitality. Feel free to join us for dinner from 7:00pm. We plan to start our discussion at 8:00pm.
If you are planning to come, please let us know by emailing
Dinner and Discussion for Lent
Some of us at Indigenous Hospitality House are wanting to do something during Lent... so we're thinking of hosting a low-key dinner and discussion in unit 2 at the Indigenous Hospitality House (907 Drummond Street Carlton North) on the Thursday nights of Lent. Feel free to bring some food to share and we can discuss the weekly gospel readings as we eat together.
Our friend Mark Pierson says, 'Questioning allowed. Questioning aloud allowed.' What this means is it is okay to bring doubts and suspicions as well as faith and belief to the table.
7pm Thurs 11 February (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21)
7pm Thursday 18 February (Luke 4:1-13)
7pm Thursday 25 February (Luke 9:28-43)
7pm Thursday 3 March (Luke 13:1-9)
7pm Thursday 10 March (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32)
7pm Thursday 17 March (John 12:1-8)
7pm Thursday 24 March (Luke 19:28-40)
If you think you'll come or you'd like to know more, send us an email at
Creating a Learning Community
In July 2015, despite efforts made to recruit new people, the IHH dropped to only four residents. We decided therefore not to host hospital guests in Term Three. Instead we used the time to review our community engagement strategies, and put some energy into hosting events and making connections with local mobs and people that would extend our networks and strengthen support for the project and the residents.
It has a been a rich and nourishing time!
We hosted visitors from several churches and organisations including Whitley College, L’Arche, Urban Seed and the Railway House Reconciliation and Respect group; caught up with IHH alumni; ran a series of conversations on Everyday Spirituality and a Bible study on Lamentations; and held a Cancer Council Pancake Brunch.
We worked on a community engagement plan with Dusk Liney from Inspirit Creative, and got some conflict resolution training from Shawn Whelan.
We represented the IHH at several conferences and gatherings including the TEAR Gathering, the ‘Teach Anything Good’ day at the new Kathleen Syme library in Carlton, and a ‘Forming Disciples in Mission’ colloquium at the Melbourne Korean church.
We walked a prayer labyrinth, sang songs and told stories at the Church of All Nations to celebrate and strengthen our partnership of nearly 15 years!
We attended various cultural activities such as the Ngarrindjeri postcolonial conversation with Ken Sumner (the chair of Congress in Victoria), a Coranderrk mission visit during Wurundjeri week, a workshop on Aboriginal languages run by Mandy Nicholson from VACL, and Yarnin’ films at the Footscray Arts Centre.
This time has been an investment in the second part of IHH’s purpose: to be a place where we can help people explore what it means for their identity and faith in practice to be non-Indigenous people living on Aboriginal land. This is the gift of being involved at the IHH for residents, but also for visiting volunteers, those on our Business Committee and others who have the opportunity to share the stories and join in the learning journey we are all on.
In 2016, we have new residents coming on board, but we will also be opening up more ways for people to be part of our learning community without having to move in.
Stay tuned!
Lamentations Bible Study
In term three the IHH community gathered around the Biblical book of Lamentations and read it in light of our own context at the house and the broader Australian context. We found that the story of the Israelite people and their prolonged suffering at the hands of invaders could be related to the suffering of Indigenous people in our own country. We were also challenged by the idea of needing to sit in the tension of difficult circumstances and become better acquainted with our own pain and the pain of others. The realisation that the book of Lamentations offers no resolve to the circumstances faced by the people of Israel is at once confronting and also honest to our shared human experience.
It was a valuable time of learning together. I'm looking forward to sharing more of these spaces to engage with the Bible and current events in the near future. I would invite all those interested in learning more to keep an eye on our website, Facebook page and emails for the next opportunity to come along and join in!
This is one of the texts that we read alongside the book of Lamentations, Oodgeroo Noonuccal's 'We Are Going':
They came in to the little town
A semi-naked band subdued and silent
All that remained of their tribe.
They came here to the place of their old bora ground
Where now the many white men hurry about like ants.
Notice of the estate agent reads: 'Rubbish May Be Tipped Here'.
Now it half covers the traces of the old bora ring.
'We are as strangers here now, but the white tribe are the strangers.
We belong here, we are of the old ways.
We are the corroboree and the bora ground,
We are the old ceremonies, the laws of the elders.
We are the wonder tales of Dream Time, the tribal legends told.
We are the past, the hunts and the laughing games, the wandering camp fires.
We are the lightening bolt over Gaphembah Hill
Quick and terrible,
And the Thunderer after him, that loud fellow.
We are the quiet daybreak paling the dark lagoon.
We are the shadow-ghosts creeping back as the camp fires burn low.
We are nature and the past, all the old ways
Gone now and scattered.
The scrubs are gone, the hunting and the laughter.
The eagle is gone, the emu and the kangaroo are gone from this place.
The bora ring is gone.
The corroboree is gone.
And we are going.
The Intimacy of Cooking
While the IHH was closed this year I spent some time facilitating some workshops at the house, on practises of hospitality. The idea was to make some space to reflect on how some of the ordinary everyday things we all do around the house (like cooking, cleaning, making tea) make space for the other. I also got the opportunity to present the cooking workshop at the Kathleen Syme Library in Carlton, as part of the September TAG ('teach anything good') Day. In the new year I’ll also be facilitating the workshops for some locals in Footscray.
If you think about it, cooking for someone is quite and intimate activity. We’re working with materials, often using our hands, that will enter into a person’s body and become part of them. That’s a very close relationship - especially considering that many people who are employed to cook do not even meet the people they are cooking for. I think this relationship is important at the IHH because we as Settler people are often cooking for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander guests. We are two groups of people who have been in conflict, but the cooking brings us into close relationship. (Don’t get me wrong, often it is still awkward!) It’s also been particularly significant for us as Settlers when our guests have offered to cook for us, and nourish us.
- Chris